Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Overdoing Skin Care: How much skin care is too much?

More is not always better.  When I recommend products to my mother I am sure to remind her that applying more than the suggested use does not always equal better results.  Sometimes too much of a good thing can be counterproductive. 

One of the most common reactions to overdoing a skin care regime is developing a skin irritant or allergy.  I see this most common in people who are suffering from acne. When a break out persists the desperation to get rid of them sets in which usually leads to many different actives used in over abundance. Adverse effects develop when several actives are used at the same time.
The best way to keep your skin healthy and balanced is to introduce very few, well selected products to your skin over time. Be sure to read the labels and try to choose products that are free of emulsifiers, preservatives, perfume, mineral oils, silicones, dyes.

To book an appointment with Alita at Ethereal Aromatherapy and Skin Care:

Thursday, October 8, 2015

Your Skin's Destiny, Part II: Environmental Stressors

There are 2 factors that effect the well being and health of your skin. The first factor is genetics. As, I mentioned in my previous entry, you can not change genetics. You are born with defined skin traits that you will carry and possibly pass down to your children.

The second factor or factors are environmental stressors.  There are 3 main culprits that are classified as Environmental Stressors.

1. Ultra Violet Rays
2. Free Radicals
3. Poor Diet

Let's list how each stressor negatively effects the skin

1. UVR Exposure
     a. skin becomes less resilient, looses ability to snap back (loss of elastin)
     b. skin losses structure (loss of collagen)
     c. Hyperpigmentation (dark spots)
     d. Excess skin cells clogging the pore ( black heads)

2. Free Radicals
     a. reduces Wound Healing Processes
     b. disruptive to cellular replication ( no new healthy skin cells)
     c. Oxidizes Vitamin C level more rapidly (Vitamin C is an antioxidant)

3. Poor Diet
     a. poor water intake causes problems in the lymphatic system, we need the lymphatic system to       take away our wastes.
     b. high blood sugar causes Glycation, a rapid aging of the skin
     c. a diet deficient in Essential Fatty Acids causes Roscea and poor cellular repair 

The good news is, if you are cautious and aware of the environmental stressors, you can lessen the negative effects that they have on your skin and body. 
Making healthy lifestyle choices can keep your skin vibrant and healthy for many years to come.

Do you have specific skin concerns? Book a consultation with me here:

Saturday, September 26, 2015

What is your skin's destiny? It's all in the genes.

Genetics play a huge role in the way your skin appears and functions. From the color of your skin to the amount of oil that pumps through your glands, there are some basic skin characteristics that were determined when you were just an embryo.

The following list shows what your genetic heritage determines about your skin.
  • Basic Skin Type
  • Aging
  • Skin Color
  • Pregnancy Mask/Melasma
  • Skin Cancers
  • Skin Burn Time
  • Keratosis Pilaris
  • Eczema
  • Acne
Even though there are some skin characteristics that cannot be changed by products or treatments, we still have the ability to positively effect our skin by controlling environmental factors. Learn which environmental factors have the  most severe effect on our skin and how we can prevent my next entry, of course!

Are you in need of  a skin care expert? Be sure to book a skin care treatment or consultation with me  here

Friday, September 11, 2015

Welcome to the Ethereal Aromatherapy and Skin Care Blog

Welcome to my blog! I'm Alita, your New York City based licensed skin care therapist and organic product formulator.

Like most skin care enthusiasts and product junkies, I've been through countless products and plenty of treatments. From the DYI banana mask to the $300 laser facial, the question still remains: What exactly is this doing for my skin? In order for me to bring clarity to this question, we havet to start from the beginning. The Skin. What is it, how does it work and why are we spending billions of dollars a year trying to keep it from wrinkling, sagging and/or breaking out. Join the conversation!