Saturday, September 26, 2015

What is your skin's destiny? It's all in the genes.

Genetics play a huge role in the way your skin appears and functions. From the color of your skin to the amount of oil that pumps through your glands, there are some basic skin characteristics that were determined when you were just an embryo.

The following list shows what your genetic heritage determines about your skin.
  • Basic Skin Type
  • Aging
  • Skin Color
  • Pregnancy Mask/Melasma
  • Skin Cancers
  • Skin Burn Time
  • Keratosis Pilaris
  • Eczema
  • Acne
Even though there are some skin characteristics that cannot be changed by products or treatments, we still have the ability to positively effect our skin by controlling environmental factors. Learn which environmental factors have the  most severe effect on our skin and how we can prevent my next entry, of course!

Are you in need of  a skin care expert? Be sure to book a skin care treatment or consultation with me  here

Friday, September 11, 2015

Welcome to the Ethereal Aromatherapy and Skin Care Blog

Welcome to my blog! I'm Alita, your New York City based licensed skin care therapist and organic product formulator.

Like most skin care enthusiasts and product junkies, I've been through countless products and plenty of treatments. From the DYI banana mask to the $300 laser facial, the question still remains: What exactly is this doing for my skin? In order for me to bring clarity to this question, we havet to start from the beginning. The Skin. What is it, how does it work and why are we spending billions of dollars a year trying to keep it from wrinkling, sagging and/or breaking out. Join the conversation!