More is not always better. When I recommend products to my mother I am sure to remind her that applying more than the suggested use does not always equal better results. Sometimes too much of a good thing can be counterproductive.
One of the most common reactions to overdoing a skin care regime is developing a skin irritant or allergy. I see this most common in people who are suffering from acne. When a break out persists the desperation to get rid of them sets in which usually leads to many different actives used in over abundance. Adverse effects develop when several actives are used at the same time.
The best way to keep your skin healthy and balanced is to introduce very few, well selected products to your skin over time. Be sure to read the labels and try to choose products that are free of emulsifiers, preservatives, perfume, mineral oils, silicones, dyes.
To book an appointment with Alita at Ethereal Aromatherapy and Skin Care: